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Old Mar 21, 2011, 06:46 PM // 18:46   #301
Ascalonian Squire
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Countless times I have vq'd an area, wondered where the last group is then realize I'm in NM.

Or not changing secondary when capping a skill/not being SoC.
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Old Mar 21, 2011, 08:37 PM // 20:37   #302
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Way back when, before Factions release. I bought an unidentified Storm Bow back when that was all the craze. It was req 8, ended up being 15^50. I sold it for only 40e. Granted I was trying to sell it for quite a while with no luck but still..kinda worth much more.

I'm also pretty sure I deleted a pvp character with 100k on him, though I can't recall 100%. I do remember that I was upset cause I lost 100k randomly and didn't remember how.

Not dumbest, but funnest. During one of those double glad weekends 2 yrs back in RA, I ran an assassin build that had various shadow arts mixed with WoH and Patient Spirit. We went on to get 10 wins with me being the sole healer. I thought it was pretty hilarious. Not many people expected it.
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Old Mar 21, 2011, 09:54 PM // 21:54   #303
Krytan Explorer
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man in 4+ years ive done countless dumb things but the best or worst depending on your view is

1 turned down a q8 crys a guy wanted to trade for my thornwolf cause it was a purp

2 broke a tormy axe using the wrong salvage kit

3 merched a q8 14^50 stormbow

4 sold about 500e off when prices dropped to round 3k each when sf first started

5 and my personal fave fell for the ol item drop scam on my q9 obby edge

Last edited by old gray dude; Mar 21, 2011 at 11:37 PM // 23:37..
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Old Mar 23, 2011, 03:02 AM // 03:02   #304
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Sold a kuunavang i got from a friend quitting for 4k
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Old Mar 23, 2011, 04:38 AM // 04:38   #305
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Quit for 3 years and gave my password to guildies, who no longer play.

Needless to say, I had to start from scratch. Though my guild leader was nice enough to loan me 20k.

(My account had 1mil+a few hundred more plat on the other goodies. My fault for quitting, though, so I'm glad I even got the 20k! And Chu is a GO RED ENGINE GO awesome guild leader anyway. <3 )
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Old Mar 23, 2011, 04:51 AM // 04:51   #306
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haven't done the math so idk what was worse...

but back when eotn was new and onyx's were high (8-10k ea), I farmed or bought over 2 stacks of them. thx to hom im down to 60 or so!

last year (b4 hom) instead of buying a sem-rare mini i bought a dozen kuuns for around 90 ectos each. i still have some of the pms to remind me lol.

and all those travellers gifts, wik gifts, lunar fortunes, wintersday, etc... ive yet to get a mini or anything valuable out of. this could have gone either way, but the others were bad decisions.

almost forgot about selling my max r7 blue felly (13 stance i think) can't find any max r7 fells now.

Last edited by Showtime; Mar 24, 2011 at 09:45 AM // 09:45..
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Old Mar 23, 2011, 06:14 AM // 06:14   #307
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I was about to buy lots of stacks of tonics for my title. I was in a hurry at the trade moment and I needed some space in my inventory so I just destroyed everything I didn't need and in the hurry I deleted a stack of ecto's:S
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Old Mar 23, 2011, 03:02 PM // 15:02   #308
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Just merched a Mo Zing mask. <3 Nothing compared to the above post... But kinda hard to find someone selling carvings in bulk. >.>
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Old Mar 24, 2011, 12:43 PM // 12:43   #309
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Necromancer was my first character when I started Guild Wars. I ran through Pre as fast as possible, not spending my time in there or doing any side quests. I was pissed off when I got to post-searing Ascalon, it's so boring and it was also kinda hard for me, since I was level 3 or 4. And as a newbie-necromancer, I didn't know what Soul reaping was for. No skills were linked to it, so I didn't put any attribute points in SR. And then I cursed when my energy was at the zero all the time...
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Old Mar 24, 2011, 12:56 PM // 12:56   #310
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In addition to the topic question, let me ask another one: which of these things do you STILL regret even a long time?

Strangely, I seem to have gotten over all of them. Had my share of all the usual blunders: destroying the wrong stuff, using regular salvage instead of identify or expert salvage, breaking items, selling under market price, giving away stuff I wanted later, buying the wrong/duplicate stuff, seeing in the log "creature dropped a black dye" after rezoning etc. etc. And I remember how mad I was at the time at my own stupidity, how I was cursing, trying to tell myself "what's done is done" and still couldn't help but feel bad and so on. But now, after time has passed, I can't even remember the specific details of some of the blunders. I vaguely remember breaking an axe and how bad I felt... I vividly recall how bad I felt... but what were the mods or the skin? Don't know, don't care.

So... how deep are the scars?
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Old Mar 25, 2011, 10:33 AM // 10:33   #311
Ascalonian Squire
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While I don't kick myself over it anymore, at the time I was PISSED.

I managed to delete a character without moving over my Ilyana's Staff OR my Rose Focus. I've since regotten the rose focus, thank goodness.

These days I check that the bags are empty before deleting/remaking.
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Old Mar 26, 2011, 09:53 AM // 09:53   #312
Ascalonian Squire
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Deleting my Mesmer back in 2005. And now I regret it, although I didn't think much about it at the time. I wish we had additional character slots and skill unlock packs back then. I needed to unlock ele skills on my account for PvP, but in the end I never really got to playing the elementalist I had created. He got deleted at some early point I guess, because I have absolutely no recollection of the event.
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Old Mar 26, 2011, 10:09 AM // 10:09   #313
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There was this time I was going for an Ooze Pit speed run, then typed /resign instead of /age ... on the plus side, I wasn't going to break any records anyway so it wasn't that bad.

Oh and I just clicked the "x" button instead of minimize, might've cost me a few Gladiator points.

Last edited by Jeydra; Mar 26, 2011 at 10:12 AM // 10:12..
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Old Mar 26, 2011, 11:15 AM // 11:15   #314
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Can't remember how, I guess it was one time I was drunk (I remember opening GW)...but yesterday when I checked my characters, found out I'm missing one with norn armor and a lot of equipment on it. Guess It was a black out of 10 minutes where I accidentally deleted it? god damn still can't figure that one
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Old Mar 26, 2011, 12:01 PM // 12:01   #315
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there's was someone posting the same bug in Bug section some days or week ago! check it out!
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Old Mar 26, 2011, 03:27 PM // 15:27   #316
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Just searched for it, and I cant find it...can you send me link if you could?
because honestly, i dont think i deleted it, but i just saw yesterday how there is no character -.-
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Old Mar 26, 2011, 03:50 PM // 15:50   #317
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One night, I felt the urge to test if my beloved 2 years old pre-searing char could /resign or map out to pre-Ascalon during the mission with Rurik to get out of pre (and yes, I was completely drunk). I don't remember why - I think I wanted to map the whole place. She spent two months in this mission, and she's still in post-searing Ascalon now, working on a time-travel device. Fortunately, I now have another pre-toon, almost level 20.

When Factions came out, I also bought several sup absorption runes for +/- 10k before I realize Anet had changed the drop rate of those runes, that went from 40k to 8k. I still remember my 2 minutes of happiness when I thought I had just scammed an ignorant player - not to say a noob. That was before I checked their price at the trader.

Last edited by Sir Mad; Mar 26, 2011 at 03:57 PM // 15:57..
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Old Mar 26, 2011, 03:52 PM // 15:52   #318
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Originally Posted by X-Plosiv View Post
Just searched for it, and I cant find it...can you send me link if you could?
because honestly, i dont think i deleted it, but i just saw yesterday how there is no character -.-
Well if you deleted a character you should have an open character slot (or a newly created character). If not, are you sure the order of characters isn't just jumbled?
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Old Mar 26, 2011, 04:03 PM // 16:03   #319
Wilds Pathfinder
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Originally Posted by Jeydra View Post
Oh and I just clicked the "x" button instead of minimize, might've cost me a few Gladiator points.
If you're running Windows, use Windows Logo Key + D.
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Old Mar 26, 2011, 06:44 PM // 18:44   #320
Ascalonian Squire
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I remembered another very stupid thing I did. I deleted so many characters, the oldest character is now approximately a year and a half younger than the account itself. That's a lot of minipets I never saw.
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